Precautions to be taken with implant prosthesis

Precautionsto be taken with implant prosthesis

1)   1)   Don’t smoke. Especially NO Smoking. patient was found smoking heavily when he returned for phase 2 after 6 months .especially after counselling for not smoking leading to poor prognosis.

2)   2)  Chew from both the sides not stress chewing from one side as it will lead to occlusal overload leading to failure of prosthesis, implants. Don’t chew for 3 months and be on soft food as you were before. Allow the implants to osseointgrate.

3)    3) No para functional habits. Opening chips packets, chewing pen, toothbrush, nail biting etc.

4)    4) Eating well cooked food. nonveg which can be eaten using knife and fork should be tearing directly from bone or bone chewing for marrow.

5)   5) Clean daily with mouthwash, water floss or waterpik and bridge floss.

6)    6) Massage gums daily for 5 minutes.

7)  7)  Once a year cleaning by professional dentist.

8)   8) Be gentle with your chewing.

9)    Let the implant prosthesis adapt well with your mouth and mucosa. Gradually it will become part of your body. Don’t open soda cans or crush ice or similar foods with your teeth. 


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